How to personalize your iOS 16 lock screen with widgets and wallpaper

Lock screen widget screen on iPhone against an artful background
Illustration by Samar Haddad / The Verge

Your lock screen can do a lot more in iOS 16: this platform update provides a level of lock screen customization that iOS has never offered before, including widgets and wallpaper options. Even better, you’re not stuck with just one lock screen — you can create several to reflect the time of day, the weather, or your mood.

It’s an amount of personalization that’s uncharacteristic of an Apple device. But beyond the entertainment value of turning your wallpaper into a grid of poop emoji, iOS 16 makes it possible to get useful information at a glance that once required you to unlock your phone — and that deserves a thumbs-up emoji for sure.

Here’s how to completely design your new lock screen.

  • Tap and hold any blank space on your lock...

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