Reddit CEO Steve Huffman isnt backing down: our full interview

A photo of Reddit CEO Steve Huffman over an orange and white background.
Photo illustration by William Joel / The Verge | Photo by Greg Doherty / Variety via Getty Images

Reddit is fighting for its soul. Many users are in revolt over API pricing changes that will shut down some of the most popular third-party Reddit apps, and they’re furious at CEO Steve Huffman after last week’s AMA that made it clear the platform wouldn’t budge. Huffman has argued the changes are a business decision to force AI companies training on Reddit’s data to pony up, but they’re also wiping out some beloved Reddit apps, and thousands of subreddits have gone dark for days in protest.

On Thursday, Reddit offered me an interview with Huffman. I’ve already published one story from that conversation about how Reddit was apparently never designed to support third-party apps. But here is a lightly edited transcript of the entire...

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